Reinventing Organizations In The Norm Of Now – Frank Eiselt, LIVESiences AG

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Frank on läbi aastate uurinud inimeste teadvuse kasvu ja tehnoloogia arengu mõju inimeste vahelisele koostööle. LIVESiences’l on üle 5 aastane edukas kogemus uute juhtimispõhimõtete rakendamisel Euroopa kiiresti arenevates ettevõtetes. Ülevaate Franki tegemistest ja arutelu teemadest leiad  lisatud slaididelt.

Kohtumine toimub virtuaalkeskkonnas.

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HR Congress 2020_Keynote_Eiselt

Throughout the years, Frank has researched how the raise of people’s acknowledgment and technological advancement have had an effect on cooperation between people.
LIVESciences has over 5 years of successful experience with implementing new principles of leadership in Europe’s fast growing companies. An overview of Frank’s doings/ventures and discussion topics can be found on the slides added.

The meeting will take place online.

Workshop is free

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